Name: Rick Ogden MSc (Res) BSc (Hons)
I am a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) and hold an MSc by Research in software engineering. I work at the University of Salford where I develop and maintain the Linux servers and Linux-based services for the Computer Science & Software Engineering directorate and lecture in software development techniques and web development (both client and server side). I have experience in DevOps, front-end development, backend-development and system administration. My day to day work involves using and teaching the following technologies and skills:
- PHP Development
- PHP Frameworks
- Symfony
- Silex
- Doctrine
- JavaScript (ES6)/TypeScript
- Angular
- Databases
- MongoDB
- SQLite
- Unit Testing
- Continuous Integration
- Software Architecture
- REST API Design
- Linux Sysadmin/DevOps
- Ansible
- Docker
- OpenStack